Category Archives: New Year Greetings

New Year’s 2020 Resolution to Clean A House

New Year’s Resolution to Clean A House is a brilliant idea, that needs to be implemented by all of the home occupants.

Is your New Year’s resolution to clean your home?  If so, you want to do more than just pick up, but do an extensive clean.  While it will take more time, it will result in an immaculate house, not just a quick clean house.  So, what should you do?

Clean your walls.  It is incredible how much dirt, grime, and dust a wall accumulates.  To get started, take a broom or vacuum cleaner to all cobwebs.  Then, start scrubbing the walls.  Unless covered in grime, a quick scrubbing will do.  An easy step is to use a Swiffer sweeper.  Attach a cleaning strip and go to town.  This makes it easy to get those hard to reach places.

Move your appliances and clean them.  When doing so, it is important to target both large and small devices.  In your kitchen, get help and pull out your refrigerator.  Clean underneath it.  Don’t forget to clean the inside and outside too.  Also, remember the small appliances.  Shake all the crumbs from your toaster and clean the counter underneath.  Also, get machines in other rooms, such as computers, TVs, satellite receivers, and so forth.

Clean your medicine cabinet.  First, pull out all items and give your medicine cabinet a good scrub both inside and out.  Before putting medicine and first aid supplies back, check expiration dates.  Throw away anything that has expired.  Also, take an inventory count.  All homes should have first aid supplies, including bandages.  Make a note of what you need to buy.

Clean your cupboards.  For the most part, food cupboards are clean, but it is easy for dust to accumulate or for food packages to spill.  So, pull everything out.  Scrub the inside and start putting food back in.  When doing so, look at what you have.  Toss any food with expired expiration dates.  Move foods with close expiration dates to the front.  Donate any unopened, salvageable foods that you do not want to a local food bank.

Clean your refrigerator and freezer.  As previously stated, you should clean underneath and outside of your fridge, but don’t forget the inside.  Although hidden from the view of most guests, a clean home means a clean refrigerator.  Don’t forget your freezer too.  Even small freezers need a good clean, as small items occasionally get lost in the shuffle.  Pull all things out of your fridge and freezer and scrub.  Throw away anything old, expired, or has been open too long.  Put all the foods you want to save back inside.

Sort through your linen closet.  Pull everything from the cabinet.  Vacuum or sweep the floor and then wipe down all shelves.  Before putting items back inside, examine them.  If you can afford to buy new towels or sheets, throw away the ones that are old, tattered, or ripped.  Repeat the same process with each of your closets.  Always vacuum or sweep the floor, wipe down all shelves, and do not keep anything you do not need.

Clean your computer.  As suggested above, you should clean around and underneath your laptop, but clean it too.  This is a small but essential step because most people do not realize how dirty their computers are.  If you eat or drink at yours, you may have a bigger mess.  Wipe down all computer screens carefully.  Use a disinfecting wipe to clean the keyboard.  Speaking of manuals, shake it upside down or purchase a small air compressor designed for keyboard cleaning.

As previously stated, you are encouraged to look at what you have in your home when cleaning.  Why put an old jacket back in your closet if you haven’t worn it in five years?  In most instances, it is easier to throw away items you no longer need but consider donating when possible.

In short, if your New Year’s resolution is a clean home, you have a lot of work ahead.  Instead of just vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting, take the time to do it right.  By implanting a few of the steps as mentioned above, you will not just have a home that looks clean, but a home that truly is clean.

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Faith Is Something That Never Lets You Lose Out

Faith Is Something That Never Lets You Lose Out

Faith Is Something That Never Lets You Lose Out is 100% true.  Especially when Faith is based on true spirituality, which has strong roots deep in morality.  That is exactly how the Faith in the old book has played out over some 500 years of time. The law of polarity demands that there are opposites to everything.  Hot and cold, big and small, sharp and blunt, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, straight and crooked, good and bad. These are just some of the examples of how the processes of logic work in the rational mind.

Faith Is Something That Never Lets You Lose Out In Life

Especially true when it is based on rational logic.  The Abrahamic- Biblical faith does have a logical base that it builds upon, over some 5000 years of history, there is a logic base for the need of humanity to abide by the moral laws spiritually. But it has taken a long time for humanity to realize that humans are more than a physical being, animals are physical beings, and they often behave much better than humans do.  The solution found for humans to get in touch with their spiritual being, and to live by spiritual laws.  The doorway to that spirituality was shown by physical law, abiding by physical laws would have an impact on the inner spiritual being.  But it was a big burden for humans to carry extreme physical laws day after day, so a better solution was found and provided by the example lived out and demonstrated by the Yeshua Messiah. That provided a real tangible solution to the many conflicting problems in human primeval nature. However, even after an example was given and demonstrated some 2000 years ago, there is still a tug a war going on inside the human mind in establishing their true identity.  What is true human nature, is a spiritual being in harmony with the environment and in harmony with other human beings inside the community?  I think so, spiritual harmony with individual personalities living out their lives in creative ways.

There really are absolutes in life and it is possible to know the truth about the human mind. Although it is something that we do not see because the human mind is an activity and not a thing, the brain is a physical thing, but that is not the actual mind.  Compared to digital technology the brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. Therefore there is a software message sharing from me to you.  The mind can be filled potentially with many types of information, but not all information is right information or helpful to the individual.  The right information contains the right information about the human self-identity, knowing who you are as a human being.  Human beings are spiritual beings, with an intellectual mind that can think, imagine, reason logically, perceive and make plans for the future. They also have a physical body, that needs to be fed food for nutrition and energy. Understanding what the nutritional needs of the human body are, with the eleven organ systems is very important so that all of the physical body nutritional needs are supplied and met. Human beings also have an emotional side, they are nurtured emotionally from a very young age.  Emotions are a very important component of the human personality, with the ability to think laterally and to have the empathy to other human beings.

Faith Is Something That Never Lets You Lose Out In Life

You are a dreamer,  and you are an achiever. May you dream and achieve bigger feats, with every passing year.  All the best for the new year.

Great opportunity for New Beginnings

New Years is the perfect occasion to celebrate love, friendships and all the good things in life. Let’s take the time to appreciate what this year has given us and what the new one is about to bring!

Happy New Years! 2016

Thank you for visiting this site    and reading up on this  Faith Is Something That Never Lets You Lose Out message.  Have a great New Year 2016.